About Jlee
Jlee-ism 一種反映生活中各個階段,表達各種喜惡和挫折的隨心藝術運動,其特點是藉由潛意識驅動的 360 度藝術品。在Jlee-ism ,一幅畫也是無數的畫。 "我的藝術不只有我,也有你。"
在我自創的"JLEE 360″ 系列, 觀眾可從360度去欣賞藝術品,進入不同視野和視覺領域進行思考,尋找和領悟自我。我的藝術讓我和觀眾分享人生經歷, 能獲得互動,”互相感動”的功效。它是創造者和旁觀者之間共同創造的抽象思維。它令觀眾自發性地刺激潛意識的創作力和想像力,從而意味著生命裡不斷變化, 隱藏不同的決擇和機會。
JLEE360 -顯示大眾生活中的變化、選擇、改變、生活難題等。它讓我們尋找隱藏的含義,並將生活中看到的東西,給予一個新的角度。Jlee360 的畫於不同角度,都可以令觀眾的眼睛發現多方面的獨特視覺衝擊。
“我的願望是要表達一種視覺的真理, 追求自由、無限創意和獨特性的自我。
Jlee is an Artist who was born on 15 October in Taiwan and was raised in Hong Kong.
At the age of twelve, she immigrated to Canada and lived in Vancouver, where she pursued her higher education in the field of Arts. Jlee had also held several exhibitions around the community in Vancouver. At the end of 2007, she relocated back to Hong Kong and began her Art Career. She is now a Hong Kong based Artist who is ready to travel, explore, and take challenges in her journey of Art. She has gained lots of attention from the media such as Ming Pao, Sing Tao, South China Morning Post, Sing Pao and the Art world. With the success and support, she has decided to take another step forward to introduce her artworks to more people in hopes to inspire others. Jlee was fascinated by Art when she was at a really young age. Being brought up in a traditional Chinese family, her parents were against what she was doing. Her parents even commented her artworks as “GARBAGE” and wanted to throw away her artworks. Her parents could never interpret Art as a career, nor did they understand the impact of that art can contribute to society. Yet, she strived to study the complexity of art making. Even though there was much love in the family, the disapproval from her parents created additional struggles for Jlee to continue her path as an artist. It took a long time for her to realize all the disapproval was due to fear. She understood that her parents loved her and they wanted her to have financial security and success like those who work as doctors, lawyers etc. They did not want her to be disappointed in life and suffer as they know the life of an artist is difficult.
It was hard to deal with the worries and disapproval of her parents. However, she never gave up Art. The more her parents realized that this is what Jlee wanted to do, the more trust they should. As they discovered how serious she wants to be an artist and how fulfilled she is in her work, they finally admire what she is doing now and support her in every way.
All these years, she realized the most important thing in life is to know what she aspires and her very passion in life. She has reached the ultimate happiness since she has found herself and a peace of mind when she paints, in which she has developed a unique style of 360 viewable mixed media paintings to record of her life journey. Through her surrealistic, abstract approach, she records and documents the feelings of herself and others and uses her artworks as a tool for people to explore the inner meanings, the different options in life.